Round #1: Anagram Man
Winning Team(s): infernos_blaze, little_giants, muggsy bogues, pedanticpenguin, revjimmah, scotts tots, the stunning bears, trivianerds8086
Round #2: Banana Splits
Winning Team(s): bobbarkerwasmycrush, girls gays theys and bren, infernos_blaze, little_giants, mediumheather, muggsy bogues, pedanticpenguin, reptar on ice, revjimmah, the petite gooses, the stunning bears, trivianerds8086
Round #3: Going Both Ways
Winning Team(s): bigfacthuntregina, ejcarp, pedanticpenguin, pepesylvia306, reptar on ice, scotts tots, sitdownrand0, stymied03, trivianerds8086
Round #4: A few words from our sponsor...
Winning Team(s): bobbarkerwasmycrush, girls gays theys and bren, mediumheather, muggsy bogues, pedanticpenguin, revjimmah, the petite gooses, trivianerds8086
Round #5: These are the Daves I Know
Winning Team(s):