Round #1: Back to (High) School
Winning Team(s): girls gays theys and bren, srj206
Round #2: The Adam Sandler Cinematic Universe
Winning Team(s): little_giants, m0nsterbl0ck, muggsy bogues, the petite gooses, treso
Round #3: SpongeBob Birthday Pants
Winning Team(s): milwaukee sirens
Round #4: Urban Legends
Winning Team(s): milwaukee sirens, fans of delicious returns, revjimmah, the petite gooses
Round #5: Connection Round
Winning Team(s): ampersandre, infernos_blaze, m0nsterbl0ck, onetime4yomind, the petite gooses, treso, triviassassins
Round #6: Bedtime Music
Winning Team(s): girls gays theys and bren, m0nsterbl0ck, parking lot knife fight, sitdownrand0