Round #1: Deep Knowledge: TV Shows
Winning Team(s): girls gays theys and bren
Round #2: What's The Connection?
Winning Team(s): 11miles, little_giants, m0nsterbl0ck, parking lot knife fight, spreebc225, staxmopeek, the petite gooses
Round #3: Political Quotes
Winning Team(s): 3 adorable turkeys, pedanticpenguin, spreebc225, srj206, staxmopeek
Round #4: Name That Tune: Samples
Winning Team(s): knolan15, parking lot knife fight
Round #5: Flexin the Pipes
Winning Team(s): fans of delicious returns, girls gays theys and bren, little_giants, muggsy bogues, parking lot knife fight, pedanticpenguin, the petite gooses