Round #1: General Knowledge
Winning Team(s): bartender #1, penis coladas
Round #2: Name That Tune!
Winning Team(s): fuck yeah bud, hard 2 like, mayors of moose jaw
Round #3: Connection Round
Winning Team(s): salt water players, tasty fresh
Round #4: Specific Knowledge: Toughies
Winning Team(s): fuck yeah bud, mayors of moose jaw, penis coladas
Round #5: Specific Knowledge: Funny Names
Winning Team(s): #wexit, bartender #1, christian dads who vape, dirty watts, fuck yeah bud, hard 2 like, mayors of moose jaw, mooseknuckles, not last, penis coladas, salt water players, tasty fresh, the ac/dc's
Round #6: Movie Time: The Last Round
Winning Team(s): #wexit