Round #1: General Trivia
Winning Team(s): garbanzo beanzxxx, Joey Triviani
Round #2: Name that tune!
Winning Team(s): Joey Triviani
Round #3: Connection Round
Winning Team(s): garbanzo beanzxxx, Joey Triviani
Round #4: BONUS ROUND: For The Wine-rs
Winning Team(s): mitch's football team
Round #5: HEEEEY
Winning Team(s): atm machine, garbanzo beanzxxx, Joey Triviani, mitch's football team
Round #6: Poetry Corner
Winning Team(s): garbanzo beanzxxx, Joey Triviani
Round #7: Snack Time!
Winning Team(s): #dad'sdisappointments, mein kampfy couch, stardew philadelphia , suck it, trebek, the wet dream catchers